Cooling System

Cooling-system connection

Connection in the form of a pipe or hose (& clamp) used in the cooling system to circulate water Engine cooling radiators. So that the working temperature of the engine is always in the working range, then the radiator water is circulated into the system through the following components Radiator - Water pump Oil Cooler - Water jacket - Water Manifold - Thermostat - Radiator or back to the water pump. Also mounted corrosion resistor to prevent rust by neutralizing the acidity of the water radiator.

Cooling System illustration
Radiator core 

The composition of a number of flat pipes made of copper material, so as to have a large total surface area and vertical mounted as a liaison between the upper tank and the lower tank. At the time of water from the upper tank to flow through the core, the hot water will be propagated to the core and the fin surface to be cooled with air that is blown or sucked by a fan blade.

Radiator fin  

The composition of a thin plate made of copper material, so as to have a total surface area is very large and attached horizontally as a liaison between cores. At the time of water from the upper tank to flow through the core, the hot water will be propagated to the core and the fin surface to be cooled with air that is blown or sucked by a fan blade. 

Radiator cap 

Radiator cap generally equipped with pressure - vaccum valve. In the other type, Pressure-vacuum valve is mounted separately from the radiator cap. 

Pressure valve

Serves to limit the pressure maximum in the cooling system and maintain pressurenya to always higher (at the numbers listed: kg / cm2) of pressure outside air, to raise the boiling point of the cooling water, thus preventing the occurrence of air bubbles that can cause the light socket (pockmarks) because cavitasi (rupture of air bubbles in water) on the inner component cooling system, for example in the wall liner.
The workings of pressure valve:
At the time the engine is running, the heat that occurs will lead to expansion of air (air volume grows) in the radiator, while the volume of space remains, so will cause pressure. If pressurenya able to open the pressure valve, part of the water to be released to the reservoir tank, so that the pressure in the cooling system can be maintained constant by setting the valve spring pressure.

Vaccum valve:
Serves to prevent a vacuum in the cooling system. The workings of vacuum valve:
When the engine is turned off and the temperature of cooling water down, then the air will shrink back to the volume of origin, whereas in most of the volume of space there will be a void, because it was abandoned by the amount of water that was released to the reservoir (when the pressure valve work), so that when there is a vacuum (negative pressure ) in the radiator, vaccum valve will open to drain water from the reservoir back into the radiator.
Outside air pressure (atmospheric) vary according to local surface height (measured from sea level) where the higher the level, the lower the outside air pressure. To be more effective, then setting the valve pressure will be even greater, when the unit is operating at high altitude.

Upper and Lower Tank

The top of the radiator, the installation, baffle plate, and the radiator cap or pressure-vacuum valve, on some types of units as well as the installation of water coolant level sensor. Upper tank holds water from the thermostat. The bottom of the radiator as a place to store the water that has been cooled through the core, and then supplied to the water pump. In some types of unit, lower tank as well as the installation of oil cooler. 

 Inter cooler (Air To Air)  

Shaped core type and the core air flows from the turbocharger that will lead the combustion chamber, so that the hot air flowing in the core will be absorbed by the fin and the cooled air exhaled by the media or sucked by a fan, so the density of air molecules denser. When compared with After cooler, use of Inter Cooler further increase the density of air molecules, as colder temperatures.

 Install & Remove Component (Mounting & Dismouting).  

An action taken to remove from the unit and installing new components or longer to top of the unit in accordance with the steps and procedures of the factory (Shop manual or QA), so that the work is effective and effesien. 

 Prepare Running
All the preparation is done before the first time after starting the engine installed on the unit, covering preparation, leveling oil, radiator water, plug the battery cable, make sure all hose and wiring connectors are connected, etc. 

Replenishment of fuel, water, grease or oil into the system, for example, the fuel will be depleted after surgery unit or oil didrain when service or repair work. For some systems, when refilling, the amount of oil that is added is not as much as the amount specifiednya, because some old oil remains in the system, such as hydraulic oil. 

 Anemo meter
The tools used to determine the level of impasse fin radiator 

 Radiator cap tester
The tools used to measure the pressure setting valve. To do with the visual component inspection to check for factors: water leakage, dent (dent), crack.Item measurement: pressure setting valve, fin blockage (clogging).

Title : Cooling System
Description : Cooling-system connection Connection in the form of a pipe or hose ( & clamp ) used in the cooling system to circulate ...

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